• 云顶集团经验
  • 你住在哪里
  • 校园邮政局
  • 校园邮政局

    校园邮局就在 北很多在山脚下.

    云顶集团邮局是美国邮政的一个合同变电站 服务(USPS). 它不是一家提供全方位服务的美国银行. S. 邮局. 头等,优先, 快件、挂号信、保函和挂号信都可以从校园邮局寄出 Office to any United States address, and including U.S. 领土(美属萨摩亚、 密克罗尼西亚联邦、关岛、马绍尔群岛、北马里亚纳群岛、 帕劳、波多黎各和维尔京群岛). 其他服务包括:认证; 退回收据、包装材料和邮票.

    柜台服务时间从早上9点开始.m. to 4 p.m.星期一至星期五. 邮局 is open year round except for campus-wide closures and federal holidays. 即将离任的 美国邮政在上午九点半取信.m. 星期一至星期五. USPS的蓝色邮箱 located outside of the Facilities loading dock is picked up at 9:30 a.m.星期一到星期一 周六.

    Methods of payment for postal products and services, are either cash or OneCard. Credit 不接受银行卡、借记卡或支票.

    如果您有任何疑问,请致电云顶集团校园邮局410-337-6129 或者发邮件给 packages@devotec-nurb.com.

    学生传入邮件 & 包

    • 校园邮局接收来自任何承运人的所有邮件/包裹 学生.
    • Students are notified by email when mail/packages arrive for them. 云顶集团一号 取货需要卡. 
    • As a courtesy, the campus 邮局 will recycle all junk mail for you.
    • USPS tracking will show delivered when it arrives to our host 邮局. 我们通常 receive USPS packages the next business day after delivery. 例如:如果你的USPS tracking number shows delivered on Tuesday, we physically receive it Wednesday. If it shows delivered 周六 (we are closed), we physically receive it Monday.
    • 我们建议你周六和周日不要寄隔夜快递,因为 校园邮局在这几天不营业. 隔夜寄送时请小心 (优先快递)周四通过美国邮政投递,因为它可能要到 交货后的下一个工作日(星期一).
    • 如果您的跟踪号码显示已送达,但您没有收到电子邮件 from the 校园邮政局 after 2 business days, please email packages@devotec-nurb.com 附上快递单号以寻求帮助.
    • We advise that you do not change your address through USPS to Goucher. 因为云顶集团 被列为企业,你将无法更改你的地址从云顶集团.
    • Mail/包 should be addressed with the student’s 完整的法律/首选 name. Please do not use parent’s names or nicknames in the address. 邮件将在 如果校园邮局无法识别正确的寄件人,则退回寄件人 name. To better support and affirm our 学生 who are transgender and non-binary, 云顶集团校园邮局允许跨性别和非双性恋学生使用他们的 选择的名字. If you require special accommodations for name usage, please email the 邮局直接主管.


    Dulaney Valley路1021号

    学生们现在可以选择在一个新的卫星邮局领取邮件和包裹 的位置, 它将在雅典娜馆内的信息亭(Van 公路入口). This location will be open from Monday to Friday, 5 to 7:30 p.m.除了联邦假日和校园假日. 现在,新地点只会 在春季和秋季学期开放.

    当邮件和包裹被处理时,学生将继续收到通知 在邮局. To receive your item at the Athenaeum, forward your PackageX notification email to packages@devotec-nurb.com. Your item will then be ready for pickup the next day that the Athenaeum location is open.

    The satellite post office is only for mail and package pickup. 即将离任的 mail must be taken to the 校园邮政局 in the FMS Building.


    • 在寒暑假期间,任何想要USPS头等优先权的学生, and express mail forwarding must request the service from the campus 邮局. An email with the requesting address must be sent to packages@devotec-nurb.com. Any USPS mail the campus 邮局 receives without a forwarding address email from the student, will be returned to sender during summer breaks. 请联系 the campus post office for fees associated with forwarding.
    • Forwarding will stop at the end of summer and winter break. 具体日期将通过电子邮件通知 每年发给学生. During the summer break, packages delivered by UPS, Fedex, DHL, and Lasership, will only be accepted for summer residents. 如果你不是一个夏天 resident, please change the address during the shipping process. 收到的包裹 从这些承运人从非夏季居民将被拒绝并退回给发件人.
    • 在感恩节和春假期间,学生邮件/包裹将在校园举行 邮局.
    • 毕业或毕业后,如地址更改,请立即通知所有通讯人 撤军. Any Student that is not currently enrolled and attending classes at the college will have all received items returned to sender.

    教员/员工的 & 包

    • 云顶集团校园邮局接收所有来自 the United States 邮局 for 学生, faculty, and staff.
    • 教职员工的USPS包裹将与正常交付一起交付 route to building mailrooms (or to individual suites in Dorsey Center). 如果是教员 或工作人员所在位置不在正常送货路线内,由他/她负责 for picking up their package from the campus 邮局.
    • 任何重量超过5磅的包裹. 大于1'x1'x1 '必须被选中 寄到FMS大楼的校园邮局. 
    • 设施管理服务可以向所有教师和学生提供包裹 staff locations, you may submit a work request to have items delivered. 请注意 在大多数情况下,交付与其他工作优先级,因此项目可能 在提出请求几天后到达.


    Dulaney Valley路1021号


    • 校园邮件使用办公室间信封. 打电话给校园邮局免费领取 办公室间信封的供应.
    • 绿色信封(4英寸x 9-1/2英寸)也可用于校园邮件 从主计长办公室来的.
    • 有收信人空白未完全填满的办公室间信封 can be returned to the campus 邮局 and will be reused.
    • 发送校园邮件时,请在信封上写上收信人的全名和院系 办公室间的信封前面. 例子:约翰·史密斯/招生. 如果收件人 is a student, write "student" on the envelope next to the name.
    • 当选择使用办公室间信封或绿色信封以外的信封时,请写上 在信封上注明邮件是校园邮件,以便立即识别. This will eliminate the possibility of campus mail being metered as U.S. mail.
    • 请确保你的全名或部门在左上角 信封,这样如果有任何问题,校园邮局的工作人员会 知道与谁联系或归还给谁. 如果校园邮局工作人员无法确定 寄件人是谁,你的邮件将由设施署署长或他们的 designee to attempt to determine the sender of the item.

    发文 & 包

    校园邮局提供包装材料,在运输时收取额外费用 通过美国邮政总局. The campus 邮局 does have an assortment of Priority and Express boxes 免费提供给客户.

    信封,盒子和包装用品可以在服务中购买 counter.


    • 学院员工可以将10号信封寄到校园邮局,密封或 开启计量. The flaps on unsealed envelopes should be facing down, individually 在堆栈中.
    • 如寄大件邮件,所有信封应绑在一起,面朝信封 地址面朝上也是一样.

    • 任何寄往校园邮局的邮件,如果有突出的材料,可以退回 to the originating department to prepare the mail in the proper format.

    • 所有大于10号的信封必须在寄往校园邮局之前密封.

    • Postcards must not to be smaller than 3 ½" x 5"; postcards larger than 4 ½" X 6" are 以与信件相同的邮费邮寄的.
    • All metered mail should have a return address in the upper left-hand corner.


    • This service permits delivery in 2-3 days; including 周六. 统一收费盒子及 信封是可用的.
    • To secure this service, you must arrive at the campus 邮局 before 2 p.m., to ensure it is processed prior to the USPS pick-up time.
    • 包括追踪和50美元的保险,不额外收费.


    • This service permits delivery Overnight; including 周六. (周日交货 假期将是额外的费用.)我们备有统一收费的邮筒及信封 for use.
    • 要获得这项服务,您必须在上午9点15分之前到达校园邮局 ensure it is processed prior to the USPS pick-up time.

    • Includes tracking and $100 insurance at no extra cost.


    • 美国邮政总局提供跟踪服务,是包括第一类邮件为一个额外的 fee. It is automatically included with Priority and 特快专递.


    • 最安全的方式来发送重要或有价值的邮件,挂号邮件是在特殊分类 被锁在房间里,装在袋子里
    • Registered mail cannot be mailed in a padded envelope.
    • To secure this service, you must arrive at the campus 邮局 before 9:15 a.m.., to ensure it is processed prior to the USPS pick-up time.


    • This service provides protection by ensuring payment for loss of mail or damage. The 投保金额越大,费用就越高.


    • 寄件者将获发寄件收据及寄件证明. 美国邮政总局保存了2年的递送记录.


    • 有了这种送货方式的证明,收件人就会收到一个回执包裹 signs the green return receipt card at its destination; however, any person at the destination address can sign for receipt of the item. 绿色签名的回执 card is then returned to the mailer as proof of delivery.
    • 必须与挂号信同时使用,以寄送第一类或优先邮件; 需要额外收费.


    • 只有21岁或以上的收件人才能签署限制投递 mail.


    • 这是发送到美国和美国领土以外的邮件 需要特殊处理和额外邮资. 只接受贴有预付标签的包裹 海关表格将在此接受.

      请云顶集团: http://cns.usps.com/cfo/ShippingInformationAction
    • Mail being delivered outside the United should be marked "airmail.不要缩写 一个国家的名字. It must be spelled out completely; otherwise your mail may 回到你身边.
    • 寄往校园邮局的空邮信件必须绑在一起 to make them easily distinguishable from domestic mail. 这样可以防止混合 airmail with the domestic mail and having the incorrect postage affixed.


    • This service is for mailing educational material such as books and cds. 交货时间 is estimated between 3-8 days, depending on location.


    • 邮件的收信人我们无法确认是员工,教师, 否则学生将被退回发件人. 如果无法将物品退回发件人, items will be held for a period of 30 days and then disposed of.
    • 寄往云顶集团的邮件将由设施主任打开 to attempt to identify the proper receiving individual.
    • 没有收信人姓名的邮件将被退回给寄件人 unable to do so, it will be disposed of 30 days after receipt.
    • Mail that is suspected of containing hazardous materials or controlled substances will not to be opened by the campus 邮局 staff. 校园邮局主管 will give the package to the campus Campus Safety Office for disposition. Contact 向校园安全办公室查询更多有关处理可疑事件的程序 mail.